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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Not for a moment -Meredith Andrews - lyrics and chords

I moving the chord sheet and video link to my worship song blog. Sorry for making you click one more time.


  1. Being a Worship Leader and listening to this song it touched my life. In dealing with personal situations I find myself relaxing because it is so true that Not For A Moment will He forsake me no matter how thin or thick my trials may be. So thank you Vertical Church for being willing and open to this amazing song, that is an encouragement to me in this time and will be for more people I am sure.

    1. This song is indeed such a blessing of a reminder, of God's faithfulness to us. So many times the pressures of life seem to corner us in a dark and lonely place but the light of power and deliverance shines through because God never forsakes. This song has become part of my everyday devotion. It sets my heart and mind in a state of worship come what may. God bless.

  2. Well said. Our God is faithful.
